“15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management” is a book by Kevin Kruse that offers practical advice and actionable tips to help readers better manage their time and increase productivity.
Kruse starts by debunking the myth that there is such a thing as “time management” because time is a finite resource that cannot be managed. Instead, he suggests that what we can manage is our own behavior and our choices about how we spend our time.
The book is organized into 15 chapters, each focusing on a different time management tip. The tips range from prioritizing tasks and using technology to manage time, to incorporating self-care and taking breaks into our daily routines.
One of the strengths of this book is its emphasis on practicality. Kruse provides specific tools and techniques that readers can implement right away, such as the “Pomodoro Technique” for managing time in intervals, and the “Eat That Frog” method for tackling the most important tasks first.
The book is also very readable and engaging, with lots of real-world examples and anecdotes from successful people who have implemented these time management tips in their own lives. Kruse’s writing style is clear and concise, making it easy to follow along and absorb the information.
One of the key themes throughout the book is the importance of setting clear goals and prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency. Kruse suggests that we should focus on our “big rocks” or most important tasks, and then fit in the smaller tasks around them.
Another important concept that Kruse emphasizes is the need to manage distractions. He provides tips on how to minimize interruptions and stay focused on tasks, such as turning off notifications and setting specific times to check email and social media.
Kruse also discusses the importance of taking breaks and incorporating self-care into our daily routines. He suggests that taking regular breaks can actually boost productivity by giving our brains time to rest and recharge.
One of the most interesting parts of the book is the chapter on “The Rule of Three,” which suggests that we should limit ourselves to only three main tasks or goals per day. This helps us avoid overwhelm and ensures that we’re focusing on the most important things.
Overall, “15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management” is a practical and useful guide for anyone looking to improve their time management skills. It’s easy to read and implement, with plenty of real-world examples and actionable tips. I highly recommend this book!